About Us

We make the difference

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(940) 757-0022

About Love My EA

LoveMyEA is an outsourcing company that provides qualified team members across all industry sectors. Through our state-of-the-art business center in Harare, Zimbabwe, we invest in the lives and dreams of a people ranked the most literate in Africa. A country where English is the official language, approximately 2 million people have a university education, and unemployment is estimated to be over 80%. It is here that we connect you with highly trained men and women who are working to turn their lives, and their country, around. 

Support 24/7

set the round the clock support from an experienced Virtual Assistant.

Personalized system

You are in full control of the way your Virtual Assistant works.

Our Vision

We pride ourselves in providing virtual outsourced team members who commit to work hard towards attaining your business goals.

We are committed to creating a conducive work environment that promotes productivity and empowers employees to reach our clients goals. We believe our business operations result in a Win for our clients, a Win for our employees and a Win for the ministries that we support around the world.

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